
As the year unfolds I am for the most part now leaning towards shunning social media. At least my involvement isn't quite as conspicuous as it once was. Part conscious decision, part response to external stimuli (e.g. Brexit, Trump), the result is somewhat confusing.

Returning to for the last few weeks of that network's life, well, I'm not particularly enthusiastic; I'd stepped away last year as my life intruded, and all that's left to do is ensure I don't lose touch with those that matter to me. And that one final #ThemeMonday!

Social networks I'm still interested in:

  • (confused,)
  • Twitter (changed philosophy.)

Even Facebook is becoming annoying with its notifications of messages and friends's posts, all of which are simply non-existent when I open the app.

Hardly major grievances to direct at something that's become a network I use less for social, more for traders, but still annoying.

Ok, so where do I stand on the social graph? The low end of the bell curve, looking up. Forwards, backwards at it, who knows?

Looking at, the lack of apps is nowhere near as profound as I'd imagined. There's one usable, though early iOS app, and others on the way. I don't know if my Python thing will still talk to the API, but I'm developing an itch to try again.

Eventually I'll work it out. In the meantime, I'm likely to be even less conversational than usual, more biased towards 'witty' one-liners.'


Message: yes.