Working from home… not all fun and games

4 weeks in…

Nobody I’ve spoken to so far quite understands the concept of being paid to work from home and that the responsibilities continue despite being physically displaced. I’ve not been furloughed, nor am I on holiday,

The responses I’ve had so far range from ‘are you actually doing any work?’, all the way to compete disbelief that I’m taking this seriously, with an implication that I should be doing other things during the day instead of after work.

It’s hard work trying to get across that I’m a bit stretched attempting to process the situation, trying to do my best to assist the girls with a home schooling plan, and… trying not to be scared my loved ones could be affected in any way by this horrendous virus. (My wife’s already had it, we think, she’s not been tested though of course.)

It’s just hard work.