My wife became unresponsive earlier, experiencing a diabetic hypo (low blood sugar) episode. We’ve been lucky, she’s managed her condition well, and for the last 15 years I’ve not had to ask for assistance.
But this evening I had to call the paramedics out. We don’t have a glucose pen or gel these days so I tried feeding her bits of chocolate to attempt to raise her blood sugar level while at the same time not introducing a choking hazard.
2.9 is pretty low, but specially over the couple of hours it was at that level. she’s set her monitor to alarm at 4.0. Incidentally, that monitor reading of 2.9 is a little high compared to the paramedics’ 2.6.
Anyway, to anyone who’s not experienced this before it’s a little disconcerting. The sweating, the moans and occasional wails, the slightly combative stance, none of it remembered by her when she’s out of harm’s way. And the lack of responsiveness to outside stimuli. Not nice for an observer.
But the paramedics gave her the gel, the injection, and pretty soon she started to come round. It took a little while but she’s in the mend.
The injection stimulates the body to use whatever reserves of glucose is left, but leaves the recipient needing to eat to bring things back into balance. Feeling sick, my wife decided she wasn’t going to eat.
Nope, not happening, She was going to have the leftover stew whether she liked it or not. Ok, she had half a bowl, better than none I suppose.
She has a strong will which, when she’s ill, becomes stronger. Let’s face it, if she’s effectively not conscious of what’s happening whilst it’s happening, she cannot understand the impact.
So I’ve downloaded her blood sugar monitor app to my phone and will make no secret of checking readings throughout the night.
Not feeling particularly merry yet, this Christmas. But the sight of the mince pie, carrot and glass of milk left out by my youngest daughter for Father Christmas has at least restored some seasonal cheer.

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