Browns vs Fibonacci followup

There’s a fundamental flaw in my reasoning in my recent post – it stemmed from a willingness to believe the starting point I chose had a more direct relationship to the team’s overall performance during the past few years.

I made amendments after some useful feedback in Reddit’s r/Browns, picking a different entry point – the year I became a fan. It brought a more simplistic summary of the Browns:

We lose for 2 seasons and get into the playoffs every 3 seasons.

Loss-loss-playoffs-loss-loss-playoffs, etc.


Sure the sample size is limited, but I want to believe we’ve another playoff appearance in 2026.

Super Bowl?

Shuggie Bear and a Frawg wearing a Cleveland Browns helmet. They're stood and sat in a totally realistic lily pond.
Shuggie Bear and a Frawg wearing a Cleveland Browns helmet. They’re stood and sat in a totally realistic lily pond.