We had a first ‘Oddbox’1 of fruit delivered yesterday. Priced against a major supermarket chain there’s a distinct disadvantage to a consumer having a literal box of fruit delivered weekly or fortnightly2, but life’s about so much more right?
The company’s basic premise is that they take the fruit (and vegetables) supermarkets deem too misshapen, too large or too small, or with slight weather damage. It’s ‘wonky’. It stops farmers having to throw produce away because of some ideal.
Back to economics.
For just over £15 including a delivery fee they delivered (in a ‘Modern Milkman’ van) 9 apples, 6 not-quite-ripe bananas, 6 oranges, a punnet of grapes, a similar weight of small sweet tomatoes, and a ripe pineapple.

I know I’m paying for the convenience and yes, feel good factor, but right now I don’t care. I have to do something to get my blood pressure and cholesterol down and so I think I can support this, at least for a while.
Filing this, in my head, under ‘healthy’.
And now all I have to do is wean my habits off Spam, big meaty breakfasts once a week, kebabs, and… (gulps) chocolate.
So, ideas, that’s why I signed up. You’d think I’d be old enough to know what I want.
Apparently not.
- https://www.oddbox.co.uk – tagline: “Rescue the “too wonky” and “too many” direct from farmers to your door, and help fight food waste with every deliciously odd fruit and veg box delivery.” ↩
- A term for every 2 weeks, in case you’re thinking instead about a multiplayer video game with a Battle Royale. ↩