Do you know how most governments start their terms with the best of wishes for the people they govern, but soon find that the promises made simply cannot be kept – the scale of the challenge exceeded their imaginations? And so the disillusionment of the people who elected them grows?
Well the current United States administration didn’t begin with the best of intentions for the majority, neither in the short or long terms. It’s painful to watch from the comparative ‘safety’ of a little country just off the western edge of Europe.

And yet we here are facing some of the same challenges as the country presided over by an occupant of a position once termed ‘The Leader of the Free World’.
The difference is stark. At least here the politicians pretend to have thought long and hard about the pain ordinary folks will have to endure for the next 4 years. At least here it’s unlikely any dissent or public protest will be met with literal criminal charges of ‘terrorism’ – although the Conservative government prior to this one did start to change our laws (the magic of the ‘Statutory Instrument’.
And, do you know, not one of our politicians had actually said they’d be a dictator on day 1. I’m certain in years gone by it’s be too much for a public accustomed to at least an illusion that their votes guaranteed a say in policy.
But ordinary people throughout the United States of America voted for a candidate who told them he’d strip away their rights and ignore the Constitution and all the amendments he and his backers don’t get along with.
And they put it all in writing, in public.
It’s not about Trump’s inability to think of anyone but himself any more, and drag vested interests along for the ride. That was his first, chaotic term.
No, there’s a literal book with a script that’s being worked to. The figures who previously lurked in the shadows don’t need to any longer. It’s not as if they feel emboldened to say and do things in public – the very system is now tailored directly for them, to either enrich or grant them previously unimaginable powers.
So why am I writing this now? What’s prompted this today?
Simple really. The past is being whitewashed again. Government sites are removing all references to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion initiatives – past, present and future.
I visited Arlington Cemetery way back in 1993. You know, back when governments had the best wishes for their people, their past, their future.