
I now need to figure out how to import the posts and pages (and images and audio recordings) from my GitHub Pages blog. The RSS plugins I’ve tried so far don’t do the job so I need to search deeper.

I’ve figured out how I can use Python[efn_note](Extract the date from the post name, the title from the YAML.)[/efn_note] but I’m unable to install the necessary module at my web host and on my phone.

Hello world!

The default post read:

“Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!”
So I did. (I was blogging irregularly starting in 2014 and have a ‘final’ post in my blog from 2010.)


I've changed the blog post feed address my Python script uses to post to a couple of networks – crucially without testing or modifying the history files.

Expect either failure or multiple reposts (i.e. failure.)




Blogging, blogging, bloggingbloggingblogging … blogging, blogging.

Blogging, blogging.







There's no easy way to say this. I've been neglecting my blog, I've hardly looked at the four social networks I've got accounts with. Heck, I even missed posting in the weekly WednesdayChallenge.

I'm obsessed by something I've never done before, something a number of people have done historically, and experienced the darkest times of their lives.

Yes, I'm writing a book.

Not a book, no. It's a novella. Well ok, I don't know. Novellas are probably longer than 7,500 words, where novels have more than 17,500 words. It depends who's setting the rules.

In this case, me! Right now I've broken off, at 4,710, to compose this blog post.

Science fiction isn't everybody's cup of tea, so I'm not hoping for fame and fortune.

You know how everyone's supposed to have a niche set aside for their fifteen minutes of fame, and everyone has a novel inside them? Well, if anyone were to read mine, I would appreciate it if they ensured mine remained outside my personal comfort zone.

Yeah, I'll post a link when the plot is fleshed out a bit more. For now though, there's this:

300 posts

As someone who uses a blog to write to work through issues I must appear to the world to be a seething mess of discontentment, finding Schadenfreude in the news, no solace from the issues confronting our world.

Checking through the nearly-300 posts at the GitHub Pages repository, some of which I've deemed unsuitable to resurrect at 10Centuries (actually uninteresting even to me!), I found a couple where I profess to be not a blogger.

I very rarely check my post view/feed access count page, have never thought of monetising it all (for reasons anyone who's ever read my stuff will know) so why do I write? To get things off my chest in the hopes of achieving a catharsis, inner peace…

Nearly 300 posts, probably a few more if counting the WordPress precursor, predecessor, whatever the word is…


I should compile a 'best of' list, as ageing rock stars do.


I just finished making dinner for me and the girls and realised something quite profound. My web site has existed in various forms and at various hosts over the 20 years since I arrived online. That's not the important thing, no. 2017 is the first year that events outside my control rendered the vast majority of its content obsolete.

Yes, this is another post about the collateral damage resulting from's demise; though this one will thankfully be brief. Being honest, I don't see much point in writing much about the past now, the future is much more important. It's actually very easy for me to say that; the majority of people who made special are at or right now.

Back to my Wiki-type site. First the volunteer-driven Wiki I helped edit expired, I stepped away from iOS, and then the network the Wiki documented disappeared. Well, at least its infrastructure did. Ahhh…

My focus changed over the last year-and-a-half to blogging about what I'm thinking about, what I'm doing, and what makes me tick. A typical personal blog.

Maybe I should redirect incoming site requests to my 10C blog. or the more complete but less-social version or, heck, the trial self-hosted blog currently unloved and waiting for me to reconnect the Raspberry Pi 2 B mirroring it from the GitHub repo.


Pinboard fail

Well, 3 weeks after paying for a bookmark tagging and page archiving account, I'm no closer to having the site owner fix the issues I've mentioned.

It's the first time tagging made sense to me, thus disappointing that the failures are increasing in scope, tested across a range of operating systems, browsers and apps.

Archiving hasn't started yet despite multiple promises, full-text search is thus impossible, new tags require multiple refreshes to show up and so bundling is problematic, simple searches fail to find bookmarks visible on the same page! I could go on, but the bottom line is when the site owner repeatedly fails to respond and fails to fix the issues I highlight, I complain about, why should I invest more time in the service? thus easily fails to gain Baz's seal of approval.

I might have to make my own, though it won't reach the promise of Pinboard's feature set. Here's something I put together some time ago; it's generated from a CSV file, no databases to introduce complexity.

Stop Making Sense

Aw crap, the cat's looking at me in that way again. Not sure where my uncontrollable giggling came from there, but he's right to look askance.

Or am I not sure‽

Ok, ok. Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey with a single ice cube in a thistle-shaped glass bought for me by my wife-to-be on March 26th 2005, accompanied very loudly indeed by The Pump Panel remix of New Order's 'Confusion' and then Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense album, they might be something to do with it. The latter songs take me back, what…



To the time I first heard 'em.

1977 seems a bit early though, being honest. 35 years ago is maybe getting there, around the time of the best music documentary film ever. That seems a bit short though, I'm sure I heard 'em first before they became popular in the UK. Maybe. Dunno.

Shut up Barrie.



A new place at which I'm posting drivel;

I have a account.

Testing; there's no Markdown support in the native Android app. Oddly, it's a deal breaker.